Image Grid

Content Editor

Default width shown, also has a wide option. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris accumsan, est vel commodo consequat, eros tortor fermentum purus, id efficitur ex lectus a nibh. Aliquam cursus odio vel orci malesuada, ut egestas lorem dictum. Nulla viverra est elit, consequat suscipit nisi imperdiet vitae.

Button w/ BG Color Options

Heading: Large

  • Lists
    • Donec ullamcorper venenatis porta. Sed vitae leo at lorem cursus faucibus ornare quis massa
  • Nulla at ex nec felis aliquam tincidunt nec vitae ipsum. Ut fringilla lacus quis felis porta tempor.
    • Proin vulputate ultricies velit, id congue lectus mollis efficitur.


Paragraph text large. Alignment options. Maecenas nec tortor vitae leo pellentesque tristique eleifend sit amet purus. In ut quam cursus, tristique neque vel, ornare odio.

Regular paragraph text. Links look like this. Quisque quis est in neque consequat tincidunt non eget felis. Phasellus vestibulum justo id nunc bibendum, at vulputate sem egestas. Sed at augue convallis, sagittis dui at, fermentum tellus.

  • List: Large w/ Arrows
  • Nunc non dignissim felis. Mauris tincidunt sagittis nunc, sed pellentesque sem rhoncus commodo.
  • Suspendisse et nisl

Link: Large

Hero Heading

Image/Content Checkerboard

Fill space with image


  • Test arrow
  • list here


Keep image size, add bg color

Link added to image. Content area utilizes background color options. Paragraph text goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque dictum est est, in facilisis dolor vulputate vitae. Curabitur ipsum enim, hendrerit consectetur est et, fringilla consequat orci.


  • Test arrow
  • list here
  • Test arrow
  • list here

Centered Content (boxed)

Text/Image on Patterned Bg

Two elements added, Content Editor and Image. The content editor will always have centered text. The image is set to extend below the patterned background and have a thin width.


  • list with
  • arrows

Text + Text

Text/Image on Patterned Bg

Two elements added, Content Editor and Image. The content editor will always have centered text. The image is set to extend below the patterned background and have a thin width.

atx loves chronicle image
different type face variations

Callout Row with default paragraph size, background color and height

Default Link Size ›


  • List
  • with arrows

Callout Row with large paragraph text and short height

Hero Title or Subheading

Two Column Text

Different background colors and styling options are available. You can use Hero Title/Subheading, Heading, Heading: Large, Paragraph, Link, Link: Large

  • List with
  • different color arrows

Large Link ›



Underline Hero

This one has the text top aligned and a wide width

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur a elit purus. Donec et ornare lacus. Integer et consequat dui. Nunc purus velit, facilisis vel commodo ut, eleifend vitae augue.

  • Donec et ornare lacus. Integer et consequat dui.
  • Nunc purus velit, facilisis vel commodo ut,
  • eleifend vitae augue.


Two Column Text

Heading: Large
is being used.

Paragraph text goes here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Callout Link ›

  • Donec et ornare lacus. Integer et consequat dui.
  • Nunc purus velit, facilisis vel commodo ut,
  • eleifend vitae augue.

Regular Size Heading

This text vertically aligns to the bottom.

  • Donec et ornare lacus. Integer et consequat dui.
  • Nunc purus velit, facilisis vel commodo ut,
  • eleifend vitae augue.

Text/Image on Patterned Bg

Pattern on Left (full height)

  • Only a content editor has been added
  • Text will always be left aligned
  • You could also add an image